Since there can sometimes be a significant delay between the creation of a new user account and the creation of that user's mailbox (mostly due to different timezones), I developed the following script to both reduce the load on the Service Desk and accelerate the creation of new mailboxes, which ultimately gives the regional IT teams more control over the provisioning process for their users.
The script is fairly specific to our environment, but hopefully the concepts will help others to create similar automation for their own systems. It currently runs as an hourly scheduled task. The regional IT teams simply need to add the string, "MailboxPlease" to the info attribute (on the Telephones tab) of the new user's account for the script to pick it up and create the linked mailbox.
.SYNOPSIS NewLinkedMailbox - Creates a linked mailbox for accounts with MailboxPlease in the info attribute Created by Mike Koch on October 29, 2019 .DESCRIPTION Queries USERDOMAIN for user accounts that have 'MailboxPlease' in the 'info' attribute - this attribute is populated by the regional IT teams, which have been delegated rights to create user accounts in their own OUs Creates a matching account in the RESOURCEDOMAIN, in the appropriate region OU Sets the Company attribute on the mailbox account, to ensure that the proper email address policy is applied Creates the linked mailbox, then copies the primary smtp address back to the user's account in USERDOMAIN Clears 'MailboxPlease' from the info attribute .NOTES Assumes the account running this script has sufficient rights to do the following: 1. Read user properties in USERDOMAIN 2. Create user accounts in RESOURCEDOMAIN 3. Create linked mailboxes in the on-premises Exchange org 4. Write user properties in USERDOMAIN (to write the primary smtp address back to the user's account) #> [CmdletBinding()] Param() $USERDOMAINDC = "dc1.USERDOMAIN.local" $RESOURCEDOMAINDC = "dc1.RESOURCEDOMAIN.local" ### # Query USERDOMAIN for enabled accounts containing "MailboxPlease" in the info attribute ### $mbxrequests = @(Get-ADUser -Filter { enabled -eq $true -AND info -like "*MailboxPlease*" } -Server $USERDOMAINDC -SearchBase "ou=All Users,dc=USERDOMAIN,dc=local" -Properties givenname, sn, title, description, department, office, company, manager) if (!$mbxrequests) { Write-Verbose "No mailbox requests detected." } else { foreach ($mbx in $mbxrequests) { Write-Verbose "Attempting mailbox creation for $($mbx.Name)..." $resAccountParms = @{ } $resAccountParms.Add("displayName", $mbx.Name) $resAccountParms.Add("userprincipalname", "$($mbx.SamAccountName)") switch -Wildcard ($mbx.DistinguishedName) { "*Australia Associates*" { $path = "ou=Australia,ou=LinkedMailboxAccounts,dc=RSEOURCEDOMAIN,dc=local" $resAccountParms.Add("company", "COMPANYNAME Australia") # required to trigger custom email address policy } "*Canada Associates*" { $path = "ou=Canada,ou=LinkedMailboxAccounts,dc=RESOURCEDOMAIN,dc=local" $resAccountParms.Add("company", "COMPANYNAME Canada") # required to trigger custom email address policy } "*France Associates*" { $path = "ou=France,ou=LinkedMailboxAccounts,dc=RESOURCEDOMAIN,dc=local" $resAccountParms.Add("company", "COMPANYNAME France") # required to trigger custom email address policy } "*Germany Associates*" { $path = "ou=Germany,ou=LinkedMailboxAccounts,dc=RESOURCEDOMAIN,dc=local" if ($ { $resAccountParms.Add("company", $} } "*Ireland Associates*" { $path = "ou=Ireland,ou=LinkedMailboxAccounts,dc=RESOURCEDOMAIN,dc=local" if ($ { $resAccountParms.Add("company", $} } "*Italy Associates*" { $path = "ou=Italy,ou=LinkedMailboxAccounts,dc=RESOURCEDOMAIN,dc=local" if ($ { $resAccountParms.Add("company", $} } Default { $path = "ou=LinkedMailboxAccounts,dc=RESOURCEDOMAIN,dc=local" if ($ { $resAccountParms.Add("company", $} } } if ($mbx.givenname) { $resAccountParms.Add("givenName", $mbx.GivenName) } if ($ { $resAccountParms.Add("sn", $ } if ($mbx.Department) { $resAccountParms.Add("department", $mbx.Department) } if ($mbx.description) { $resAccountParms.Add("description", $mbx.description) } if ($mbx.Title) { $resAccountParms.Add("title", $mbx.Title) } if ($ { $resAccountParms.Add("physicalDeliveryOfficeName", $ } $resAccountParms.Add("extensionAttribute1", "") # triggers migration script ### Let's see if we can locate this user's manager's mailbox account in RESOURCEDOMAIN if ($mbx.Manager) { $mgrsam = (Get-ADUser $mbx.Manager -Server $USERDOMAINDC).SamAccountName $resAccountParms.Add("Manager", (Get-ADUser $mgrsam -Server $RESOURCEDOMAINDC).DistinguishedName) } ### Make sure this samaccountname doesn't exist in RESOURCEDOMAIN if (!(Get-ADUser -Filter "samaccountname -eq '$($mbx.SamAccountName)'" -Server $RESOURCEDOMAINDC)) { Write-Verbose "Creating RESOURCEDOMAIN account for $($mbx.Name)..." New-ADUser -Name $mbx.Name -SamAccountName $mbx.SamAccountName -Enabled $FALSE -Path $path -Server $RESOURCEDOMAINDC -OtherAttributes $resAccountParms $resacct = Get-ADUser $mbx.SamAccountName -Server $RESOURCEDOMAINDC if ($resacct) { Write-Verbose "Creating linked mailbox for $($mbx.Name)..." $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://OnPremExchangeServer/powershell/ -Authentication Kerberos -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $Session -CommandName Enable-Mailbox Enable-Mailbox -Identity $resacct.DistinguishedName -DomainController $RESOURCEDOMAINDC -Alias $resacct.SamAccountName -LinkedMasterAccount $mbx.DistinguishedName -LinkedDomainController $USERDOMAINDC Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession ### copy email address to the USERDOMAIN account $email = (Get-ADUser $mbx.SamAccountName -Server $RESOURCEDOMAINDC -Properties mail).mail Set-ADUser $mbx.SamAccountName -Server $USERDOMAINDC -EmailAddress $email -Clear info } else { Write-Verbose "Creation of RESOURCEDOMAIN account failed $($mbx.SamAccountName)" } } else { Write-Verbose "Samaccountname already exists in RESOURCEDOMAIN ($($mbx.SamAccountName))." } } } Write-Verbose "Finished."
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