Our current environment consists of Exchange 2010 on-premises and Exchange Online, in hybrid mode with centralized mail flow enabled, and Azure AD Connect synchronizing everything. We have two forests, each with user accounts (result of a merger and a CIO who didn't want to rock the boat and force everyone in one forest to migrate). Both forests had Exchange 2003 at the time, but when we upgraded to 2007 we consolidated down to one Exchange org. Users in the same forest as Exchange have normal user mailboxes, while users in the other forest require linked mailboxes. And it's been that way for more than 10 years. Office 365 and Exchange Online came along a few years ago, but we just got around to migrating all user mailboxes last year.
Although new mailboxes for users in the forest with Exchange can easily be created in Exchange Online by running the Enable-RemoteMailbox command, the users in the other forest still have to be created on-premises as linked mailboxes, and then migrated to Exchange Online. We've also had some challenges with creating shared mailboxes, so those get created on-premises as user mailboxes, then converted to shared mailboxes and THEN migrated to Exchange Online.
The powershell script you see below is my solution to automating the migration of those linked and shared mailboxes. This script runs every hour as a scheduled task, queries the on-premises Exchange for new linked or shared mailboxes, and if any are found, each is submitted in its own migration batch. The only issue I encountered was one of timing - the migration batches would fail if they got submitted before Azure AD Connect had synchronized the on-premises objects up into Exchange Online. I mistakenly thought that the "-StartAfter" parameter of New-MigrationBatch command would allow me to delay the start of the migration. Turns out it only delays the actual data movement, but Exchange Online was starting the object-matching prep work as soon as the batch was submitted. To solve that problem, I added a bit of logic to delay submission of the migration batch until at least one hour after the whenMailboxCreated timestamp, which gives Azure AD Connect plenty of time to get everything in place, and I've had no failures since.
<# .SYNOPSIS MigrateMailboxes - Migrates linked and shared mailboxes to Exchange Online Created by Mike Koch on December 20, 2019 .DESCRIPTION Remote powershell to on-premises Exchange Query Exchange for linked and/or shared mailboxes to migrate Remote powershell to Exchange Online Submit migration batch request with CSV file .NOTES DEPENDENCIES 1. Functions-PSStoredCredentials.ps1 - http://practical365.com/blog/saving-credentials-for-office-365-powershell-scripts-and-scheduled-tasks - contains functions to store and retrieve encrypted credentials from the local file system - required so that script can run unattended ASSUMPTIONS 1. Assumes the account running this script has admin rights in the on-premises Exchange environment, as well as Account Operator rights in the linked domain. TO-DO 1. Integrate my linked mailbox creation script, to result in one script that handles everything, easier to maintain #> [CmdletBinding()] Param() $linkedDC = "dc1.userdomain.local" # needed only to add linked mailbox users to O365 licensing groups ## IMPORTANT: encrypted credentials can only be retrieved by the same account that was used to encrypt them ## AND must be on the same machine where they were encrypted . "C:\Scripts\Functions-PSStoredCredentials.ps1" $cred = Get-StoredCredential -UserName globaladmin@yourcompany.onmicrosoft.com ##### Connect to on-premises Exchange, import only the commands we plan to use $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://OnPremExchangeServer/powershell/ -Authentication Kerberos -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $Session -CommandName Get-Mailbox, Set-Mailbox ##### Build a list of mailboxes to migrate ## Some older shared mailboxes stay on-premises, so we'll set a date variable to limit our query to recently created mailboxes $SharedMailboxThreshold = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30) ## A separate script creates linked mailboxes and sets extensionAttribute1 to "migrate.me" $MailboxesToMigrate = @(Get-Mailbox | Where-Object {$_.RecipientTypeDetails -like "LinkedMailbox" -AND $_.CustomAttribute1 -like "migrate.me"}) ## Returns recently created shared mailboxes that are not already being migrated (see line 90, below) $MailboxesToMigrate += @(Get-Mailbox | Where-Object {$_.RecipientTypeDetails -like "SharedMailbox" -AND $_.whenMailboxCreated -gt $SharedMailboxThreshold -AND $_.CustomAttribute1 -notlike "migration in progress"}) if ($MailboxesToMigrate.count -gt 0) { ##### Initiate remote powershell connection to Exchange Online, import only the commands needed to submit a migration batch $exo = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $exo -CommandName Get-MigrationEndPoint, New-MigrationBatch $MigrationEndpointOnPrem = Get-MigrationEndpoint -Identity owa.on-prem-endpoint.com foreach ($mbx in $MailboxesToMigrate) { ## don't try to migrate a mailbox until it's at least one hour old ## this ensures that Azure AD Connect has had enough time to replicate the object to Azure and Exchange Online if ((New-TimeSpan -Start $mbx.whenMailboxCreated -End (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)) -gt 0) { $mbx | Select-Object @{Name="EmailAddress";Expression={$_.primarysmtpaddress}} | Export-Csv "c:\temp\mbx.csv" -NoTypeInformation ## use the mailbox name as the migration batch name, but make sure it doesn't exceed the 64-char limit ## very unlikely, but costs almost nothing to do $batchname = "$($mbx.displayName)" if ($batchname.Length -gt 60) { $batchname = $batchname.Substring(0,60) } ###### Submit the migration batch Write-Verbose "Submitting migration batch request..." New-MigrationBatch -Name $batchname ` -SourceEndpoint $MigrationEndpointOnPrem.Identity ` -TargetDeliveryDomain yourcompany.mail.onmicrosoft.com ` -CSVData ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("c:\temp\mbx.csv")) ` -NotificationEmails "EmailAdmin@yourcompany.com" ` -AutoStart ` -AutoComplete switch ($mbx.RecipientTypeDetails) { "LinkedMailbox" { # clear the migrate.me string from customattribute1 Set-Mailbox $mbx.primarySmtpAddress -CustomAttribute1 $null ## we want to assign an EXO license to the user account in the linked domain (not the mailbox account) ## LinkedMasterAccount contains the owner's account, in domain/username format ## we just need to grab the username portion, which is the samaccountname in the linked domain $sam = $mbx.LinkedMasterAccount.split("\")[1] ##### Assign Office Pro Plus and Exchange Online feature licenses to the mailbox owner ## Assumes use of group-based licensing, which requires an Azure AD Premium subscription Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "O365 Exchange Online (E5)" -Members $sam -Server $linkedDC Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "O365 Office Pro Plus (E5)" -Members $sam -Server $linkedDC } "SharedMailbox" { ## set extensionAttribute1 to avoid adding this mailbox to future migrations (see line 44, above) Set-Mailbox $mbx.primarySmtpAddress -CustomAttribute1 "migration in progress" } Default {} } } } Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession } Write-Verbose "Finished."
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