After connecting to our tenant...
... I configured the K1 license options to exclude the Exchange Online feature...
$StoreK1License = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId "tenantname:DESKLESSPACK" -DisabledPlans EXCHANGE_S_DESKLESS
Next, I ran a query against our on-premises Active Directory, to build a list of user accounts that needed to be changed...
$k2users = get-aduser -filter {(extensionattribute11 -notlike "Regular") -and ((company -eq "Company1") -or (company -eq "Company2"))} -Server mydomain.local -SearchBase "ou=store employees,ou=stores,dc=mydomain,dc=local"
Now that we have our array of user accounts, we'll use the UserPrincipalname property to locate those users in Office 365. First, we check to see if they do indeed have the K2 license assigned...
foreach ($k2user in $k2users) {
if ((Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $k2user.userprincipalname).licenses[0].accountsku.skupartnumber -eq "DESKLESSWOFFPACK") {
If the call to Get-MsolUser returns true, we proceed to (1) make sure the Usage Location is set to "US", then (2) we remove the K2 license and assign the new K1 license, with our previously defined options, all in one fell swoop...
write-host "Converting $($k2user.userprincipalname) from K2 to K1..." -foreground yellow
set-msoluser -userprincipalname $k2user.userprincipalname -usagelocation "US"
Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $k2user.userprincipalname -RemoveLicenses "tenantname:DESKLESSWOFFPACK" -AddLicenses "tenantname:DESKLESSPACK" -LicenseOptions $StoreK1License
} else {
write-host "K2 not found for $($k2user.userprincipalname)..." -foreground darkgray
Here's the whole script:
$StoreK1License = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId "tenantname:DESKLESSPACK" -DisabledPlans EXCHANGE_S_DESKLESS
$k2users = get-aduser -filter {(extensionattribute11 -notlike "Regular") -and ((company -eq "Company1") -or (company -eq "Company2"))} -Server mydomain.local -SearchBase "ou=store employees,dc=mydomain,dc=local"
foreach ($k2user in $k2users) {
if ((Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $k2user.userprincipalname).licenses[0].accountsku.skupartnumber -eq "DESKLESSWOFFPACK") {
write-host "Converting $($k2user.userprincipalname) from K2 to K1..." -foreground yellow
set-msoluser -userprincipalname $k2user.userprincipalname -usagelocation "US"
Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $k2user.userprincipalname -RemoveLicenses "tenantname:DESKLESSWOFFPACK" -AddLicenses "tenantname:DESKLESSPACK" -LicenseOptions $StoreK1License
} else {
write-host "K2 not found for $($k2user.userprincipalname)..." -foreground darkgray
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