Thursday, February 9, 2012

Quick and Dirty Reporting on Distribution List Usage

I was given a list of 50 distribution lists, and asked to report on how often they were used. Time to hit the tracking logs. And we have two hub servers, so I have to query against both servers to get the whole list. Here's what I came up with. For this example, we'll work with 5 distribution lists. I don't want to type in all 50.

# create an array containing the distribution list addresses
$recipients = "", "", ""
$recipients += "", ""

# create an array containing our hub servers
$servers = "hubserver1", "hubserver2"

# set the start and end date of the query
$startdate = "2/1/12 12:00 AM"
$enddate = "2/2/12 12:00 AM"

foreach ($recipient in $recipients) {
     $results = @()
     foreach ($server in $servers) {
          $results += Get-MessageTrackingLog -Server $server -Start $startdate -End $enddate -Recipients $recipient -EventId RECEIVE
     Write-Host "$recipient," $results.count    # outputs the distribution list address and the hit count
     Remove-Item variable:results     # delete the results

The output is a simple:, 12, 2, 27, 423, 1

If you need to see the individual message data, just change the code to remove the $results array, like this:

foreach ($recipient in $recipients) {
     foreach ($server in $servers) {
          Get-MessageTrackingLog -Server $server -Start $startdate -End $enddate -Recipients $recipient -EventId RECEIVE

Of course, your results are based on the number of tracking logs you have available. Exchange 2010 automatically purges tracking logs based on the settings of the transport server configuration, which defaults to 30 days. If you have enough disk space, you can modify the retention period with the Set-TransportServer command. See this article for more information on configuring message tracking.


  1. if you wanted to export this to an Excel sheet so the data could be shared easily, is it possible to work in the export-csv cmdlet into this script?

    1. Write-Host sends the output to the screen, not the pipeline, so export-csv won't work as written. However, if you substitute write-output for the write-host command, then you'll be able to pipe the output of the script to export-csv.
