Friday, February 12, 2021

Quick Hit: Subscribing Existing Members of a Microsoft 365 Group

Took me quite a while to find this solution so I'm just putting it out here so i can find it if I need it again.

The Problem: I re-purposed an O365 group in my Azure AD console, one that was already configured with the dynamic query I needed. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that, by default, members of O365 groups don't receive a copy of emails sent to the group in their personal mailbox. The messages just go to the group mailbox.

After doing some research, I reconfigured the O365 group to automatically "subscribe" new members, but that doesn't change the subscription status of the existing members. A lot of the "solutions" I found on the internet involved enabling the "Subscribe new members" flag and then removing all existing members and then adding them back to the group so that they would be subscribed. While that method probably works, it's not very elegant. There must be another way to accomplish my goal.

Turns out there is, and here it is: 

$group = Get-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Group_Name_or_Email_Address"

# Get list of all members
$members = Get-UnifiedGroupLinks -Identity $group.Name -LinkType Members

# Get list of all subscribers (a-ha!)
$subscribers = Get-UnifiedGroupLinks -Identity $group.Name -LinkType Subscribers

# Subscribe all members not subscribed
foreach ($member in $members) { 
    If ($member.Name -notin $subscribers.Name) {
        Write-Host "Adding $($member.Name)."
        Add-UnifiedGroupLinks -Identity $group.Name -LinkType Subscribers -Links $member.Name
    } else {
        Write-Host "$($member.Name) is already subscribed."
# Done!

Almost all of the solutions I found online took the "remove everyone and then add them back again" approach, and maybe that's because that was the only solution at the time. Microsoft is always making changes and introducing new features and functionality, so maybe this PowerShell-based solution was not available until recently. Anyway, it works and it's a pretty simple solution.